The only thing that’s saving us? New Summer Walker music.
She keeps a pretty low profile but continues to dominate the music industry at every turn. After the release of Still Over It, Walker gained major success, performed at Dreamville, collaborated with SZA, and went mainstream. Did we ever get over it? No, no, we did not. Since then, we’ve really been missing Summer’s music here in the hive. Seemingly out of nowhere, Summer announced the release of ‘Heart Of A Woman’, and the world went wild.
Here’s what we thought about the new track and what we’re looking forward to next from Summer!
‘Heart Of A Woman’
This track is a prime example of why fans flock to Summer’s music now more than ever. ‘Heart of A Woman’ opens slowly with that whimsical, alluring vocal style that Summer is known for. Listeners are immediately drawn to her dreamy vocals and stylized lyrics.
“Question is, why I do the things I do?
Answer I may never find, but I’ll always choose you
Wanna give up on you but, damn, I know I can’t
I put the blame on me for giving you chance after chance”
Summer seems to find herself stuck in a tough situation where she keeps going back to the one person who is seemingly bad for her. Don’t worry Summer, we’ve all been there. But when we find ourselves there, we often ask ourselves, “Why?.” There might not ever be an answer, but we know we must look inward to try to find answers. As usual, Summer’s music is quite therapeutic and per usual, we find ourselves relating to every word.
Finally Over It
If this track is any indication of what is to come on Finally Over It, we are super excited! The new album does not have a release date yet, but we are hoping it’ll be ours by the time 2024 is over. We just can’t wait any longer than that!
What did you think about ‘Heart Of A Woman?’ Are you excited for Summer Walker’s new album? Let us know all your thoughts in the comments below or by buzzing with us on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook
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