So, how busy have Vasseur and Ferrari been keeping Zhou over the winter?

“Actually, the winter has been very chilled!” Zhou initially points out with another grin. “I was able to get a little bit of time off, not being so worried about preparations for the season, taking a step [away]… on that side, it was a good recovery from the season I had.

“When I came back after the winter break, I’ve been going to the factory quite often during the week, getting involved and trying to understand how the team works.

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“It’s completely different to what I’m used to. It’s still the F1 kind of spirit [you get] in every team, but it’s a different way of working, and a different environment. I’ve enjoyed it, but I still need to understand it a little bit more and get to know more people.

“It was a bit different being in the Academy [compared] to the [main F1] team, so I’m still learning day by day, but I’m already making some steps with the technical side and just trying to help in general. I’m sure things will [soon] come automatically.”

He adds: “I think with the number of inexperienced drivers on the grid [this season], for people like me, with a couple of years of experience in F1, that really can make an impact.


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